About Us

Pin-O-Zip is a platform where you can look for Stores, Shops, Hospitals, Banks, Hotels, Restaurants, Schools, Colleges, Professionals & More within your Pin Code or Zip Code.

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Use free text search bar to type keywords relevant to your search. For a more specific search result, select category and enter location details like country, state, city or pin code / zip code.


You can explore as much as you want to find suitable services available in your area or nearby areas. You can compare, read the comments and review the ratings provided by others based on their experience with service providers.


Based on your experience with a service provider, you can share your comments and give ratings which would help others in their searches and exploring for same kind of services.

Add Place

Are you a business person or self-employed or entrepreneur or professional or service provider? Yes, then you would understand the importance of a platform which can easily connect your prospect customer or client with you or your services.

To display your services on our platform, follow below steps:

  • Account: To make changes related to your account or posted listings.
  • User Profile: It will be displayed publicly and linked with your posted listings.


Change is not pleasant but change is constant. To grow with change, one must always do a research before investing into anything. The smart investment is the one which is based on facts and figures.

Let’s say you want to do something of your own; but what, where and how? You can find all your answers on our platform.

Below are some recommendations to begin your research:

  • – What are common services available in different locations?
  • – Which of those services are not yet available or minimum in which all locations?
  • – Identify professionals or service providers who can assist with business setups.
  • – Partner up with other business person or self-employed or entrepreneur.

Our Mission

Provide a platform which is publicly accessible to everyone for searching required and/or relevant services. Where service providers can display their services and reach out to their respective consumers. To give insights on changing trends, available opportunities and scope of collaborations with interested parties for working on current or future ventures.